Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Pretty sure every inch of my body hurts. Knees, feet, shoulders, back, arms, etc. I think my hair even hurts. I helped Dan move a bed and mattress and box springs up 2.5 flights of stairs, that could be part of it. I am still kicking my own butt at the Jillian workout, that might be part of it too. Either way, I am in pain. As we were lifting the VERY heavy new bed up the stairs, both of us were watching the way we turned so as to not damage the light fixtures, etc. We made it to the first landing and Dan yells out "PI--VOTTTT" Anyone who EVER watched 'Friends' remembers this episode when Ross and company get stuck in the stairwell moving the couch. After a few minutes of laughing, we muscled up again and got it up there. It looks good I might add.

Okay back to being productive---or trying to be anyway.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Welcome Weekend

I have to admit that I honestly think this might have been one of the longest weeks of ALL time. Working this past weekend and then the whole week really REALLY takes it out of you, and I am ready to chill out a little bit. I have been doing the Jillian Michael's shred (I will be honest, no weight has been lost which makes me frustrated, but I am going to stick with it). The one thing I have noticed is that all the levels are different and not just difficulty, they are all working different parts of the body. Unfortunately, I have pulled a serious muscle and pinched a nerve in my shoulder/neck. Also I can tell the knees are hurting a little bit from all the strain...does this just mean I am an old lady??!!!! Hopefully all the blood, sweat and tears will pay off.

The other BIG thing on my agenda is re-doing the spare bedroom upstairs. I have been looking for a great deal on a queen bed that matches our furniture up there and then probably going to do overstock.com for the mattress. Can't beat that deal. Of course, I have my comforter, and all the trimmings picked out at Target and even the new rugs......I literally go to Target and 'visit' my goodies. We are following the tight budget of only getting the things we can easily afford, so it's a little bit at a time, but that is okay. Confession: I hid a rug behind a comforter at Target so no one would hopefully see it until I get to it this weekend....I know, I am weird.

Next weekend is my cousin's wedding, so facials, and body scrubs here I come....I am really hoping to get some great pics of our family. The kids will be all dressed up in their flower girl and ring bearer attire, and I will try to pull off a strapless yellow bridesmaid gown....yikes. Dan will be in charge of our camera. My concern is my hair. It's SO long right now, which I really like that, but I am terrible at fixing my own hair, putting it up, etc. NOPE...can't do it. So let's hope the hair salon that we are going to doesn't make me look like Lady Gaga.

Wishing all of you a fun weekend!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And I'm spent.....

This has already been a long week. Working all day Sunday and then jumping into a busy week has left me feeling tired, and I think my attitude could do for a little time off. Not really in the picture any time soon, so I better just grin and bear it. Lots of changes going on....today work has made me a little crazy and frustrated, so I am looking forward to just chilling out tonight. My cousin gets married in a little over a week and I have been working my tail off to get in good shape. Getting older, physically just sucks. Emotionally it's awesome. You learn how to totally brush your shoulders off, and 9 times out of 10 not give a flying fish about MOST things that could have potentially really pissed you off 5-10 years early.

With that said:

It is hard to keep my mouth shut when I KNOW I am right and someone else is just full of it.

Listening to my son laugh his tail off at a movie seems to make things always so much better.

I make dinner, and good dinner almost every night----this equals tired mommy.

I have projects I want to do ASAP around the house and I have the patience of a crazy person, so it's hard to not want to jump into this right now.

My best friend from high school just had her 4th baby today----which is super cool for her. Congrats Steph and fam :)

If you have an ego the size of Texas, chances are you and I will NOT get along.....

I am not friends with people who are so superficial...it makes me sick. Be real for crying out loud. My time is precious and I choose to spend time with real friends only........

I am very blessed with my family. How I got so lucky I do not know.

These are my random thoughts for today. I wish everyone a great day and night. And stay tuned for some VERY funny stories to come.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Okay...who is with me on this?

I have tried, ok let me re-phrase this....I have really worked hard most of my adult life to be in shape. NO, I am not fat, but there is a reason why. AND NO I am not a supermodel, there is a reson for that too. I am 31, I have two kids, I work 40 or more hours a week, sometimes on the weekends and I try to manage, birthdays, weddings, gifts, lunches, dinners, bath times, and laundry like most of us do. But I have made a commitment to be in the best shape of my life. And I really think I have found the combo. Very unfairly, the best things in life seem to take the most work to accomplish. Relationships, jobs, parenting, friendships, etc. and so eating right and exercising is no different. It's physical but mostly mental, and I want to start a mini 'we can do this thing' group. Here is what I have been trying to do: run 2-3 miles 3 or 4 times a week. Start small, try to walk or run a mile, and then build up to it. But the truly amazing thing is the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I have been only doing it one week, and I have seen weirdly amazing results. You will put in appr. 25 minutes a day...sounds easy? It's not. It's 20ish minutes of HARD work. But you will finish it and feel such a high of success, it will bring you back the next day. Make it a habit. I want to hear from everyone who is working through the process of 'looking realistically great.' I say that, b/c Lord knows I will never look like Gisele....but I can be strong and tone and also not look like an NFL linebacker. Buy some light hand weights at Walmart, get a mat if you have hard floors, and buy the 30 day shred for $9 at Target. Then please leave your comments. I want to hear how it works for you and that will inspire me to keep pushing myself. Best of luck to us, and our new toned backsides!!!! As a side note: you can NOT eat like a 17 year old boy. Sorry, you will have to drink some more water and cut the sugar and bad fat------then watch your body change in front of your eyes...