Wednesday, July 8, 2009

25 things about me, you probably could care less about......

I know that I am on an island BY myself when it comes to one thing: I do not LOVE summer. It seems that saying that around here is about as dangerous as putting an Obama sticker on your car in rural Arkansas. But it is what it is. I have never been a sun worshipping chick, probably because I usually have darker skin year round then most people I know, a bonus. But at the end of the day, I just don't seem to fit in with the hot sweaty summer lovin crowd. Don't get me wrong I love nice weather, but the four+ months of nasty hot MO weather with bugs and flies and mosquitos, yuck yuck yuck.

I crave fall weather. I just love it. It seems like the air is cleaner somehow. I have no idea why I felt the need to rant on about that, except I keep getting these '25 things about Me' emails from my friends, and I thought I would post mine. Here is goes:

1.) I gained 76 pounds when I was pregnant with Tatum and 53 with Dalton. Girl you HUGE.
2.) I am terrified of revolving doors and staircases that are very long. Both of which I have fallen in or on and it hurt. Badly.
3.) When I was little my grandpa told us the coolest stories,,,,and I also thought my grandparents were rich because they ALWAYS had the strawberry pop tarts with the frosting.
4.) I used to be so bummed that I didn't have blue eyes and blonde hair. I am totally okay with it now that I am older, I accept myself the way I am.
5.) I don't like chocolate, and I LOVE to cook.
6.) I could eat sushi every day.
7.) I am fiercly loyal to my family and friends.
9.) If I could still have my family just like it is, I would have gone to medical school. Who googles surgeries at the Mayo Clinic in their down time?
10.) Trust me, I know just about every lyric to every song. Ever. And I will sing it to you, just ask me.
11.) I want a tattoo, but I don't have one.
12.) I had a pet chicken growing up named Gwen that I used to bring in the house and hold in a dish towel like a baby. I have pictures to prove it.
13.) I was on a Children's TV show called Romper Room.
14.) When I was 5 I had incephalitis, and for all practical purposes should have not made it, but I did, and I am so grateful for that.
15.) At my 8th grade birthday party, I had my first kiss with my boyfriend named Billy. This isn't interesting except my parents saw the whole thing, and I was traumatized for a long time.
*Billy ran home that night. Literally ran all the way home.
16.) I want bigger boobs, they left after kids never to be seen again.
17.) I can't roller skate. I can roller blade but not the old fashioned kind, they scare me.
18.) I was PLATINUM blonde the summer of 1999.
19.) I think..I know I can be intimidating to people sometimes.
20.) If someone has the hook up, it's usually me.
21.) I still want my mom to be proud of me.
22.) I have really flat feet but they are still cute.
23.) If I know you, I know when your birthday is, I have it memorized.
24.) Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper is the most amazing product of 2009.
25.) I will take a scary movie over romantic comedies any day of the week.

I look at this list and think, who really cares? Why did I write this? Oh well, now you know how weird I really am :)


nancy said...

What!?!? You don't like summer?? That's it, we can't be friends - ha!! And I was crackin' up on your 25 things... actually, I already knew several of them!

Unknown said...

I loved reading this! So maybe I'm just as weird....okay maybe even weirder that I may just go ahead and post one about me on Facebook for millions to see ;)

Maggie Crabb said...

Old news...just kidding, some of that was very brave of you, and I'm being serious. I think I knew almost all of it except the tattoo thing, I kind of want one, too. But I have no idea what and where? I know a lot of mama's who should have said no to the butterflies in not-so-strategic places that have migrated south, forever. This must be discussed over wine at a location that is no where near a tattoo parlor.