Monday, March 8, 2010

Death by Strength Training

I always thought of myself as somewhat 'strong.' Like I can carry heavier stuff than most chicks, maybe it's that I am just cocky and think I am stronger. Maybe b/c I was very athletic growing up and I have attempted to keep that, not sure but today was the 'torture day.' So many people do the GTS classes and they love them. I really hope I get there.........I do my usual workouts but this is something altogether different. I didn't even add weights today and I am dying. It's 30 minutes of INTENSE EVERYTHING. I can't even explain it, except I think I might have fooled the instructor and she thinks I am 'a natural' or something. I AM NOT. I can barely move, tomorrow and the next day will be worse. I was worried even walking out of the gym to my car. That I would pass out. It's muscles I am CERTAIN should not be used for anything. So I get to the car. Then I start to feel sick, like really it's going to just come flying out of me. I then realize PROBABLY why. For a portion of this time you are basically laying upside down at times and I have terrible motion sickness, so I think that is what caused me to feel sick. I got back to my office, threw up (water), and felt better. Just like if I get motion sick in a car. Same thing, get sick feel better. I know if I continue this class for the next 8 weeks I will look JUST like a gorgeous celebrity, so I guess there is that.......ha!

That MIGHT have happened if I hadn't inhaled a subway like a ravished pig. More later...

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