Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I really...really.....really hate to be sick. I also hate when my kids are sick or anyone I know is sick. This weekend started with Tatum getting a fever and then finding out her little buddy Connor (who has diabetes) was rushed to the ER after a day of the flu in a diabetic coma. It was terrifying. I 'started' to feel a little off Saturday night, but didn't think much of it. I went to go visit Connor and his family up on the Peds floor here at Cox, just to check on him. Bless his heart he was so sick. He did smile at me when I walked in, and I could see that he was so weak. They had to put his IV in his neck, his little veins in his arms wouldn't work. After leaving there, I started to REALLY.. REALLY feel bad. Then I felt even worse. What if I was sick and was up there on the PEDS floor? Anyway, I started on my regime of OTC drugs to help my terrible chest cold. I actually slept all day yesterday. I have extreme OCD in some cases and it was killing me to be away from work this close to an event. But I had to make a mature decision. Get better now or later....and I can't afford to be sick later this week! I feel better today. Tatum is better today, and her little buddy Connor went home today. So that is the best news of all.

It's like what Dalton said.... "I know STUPID, isn't a very nice word, but sometimes things are just stupid"

Well, I think germs that make us sick are STUPID.......and I don't care if it's not a nice word :)

I hope everyone out there steers clear of this stupid virus that is going around!

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