Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A stream of unconscious banter........

I am the dirty 30, and this has/ is continuing to be the year I update myself, or I try anyway. Getting in the best shape of my.......life, well I know I am not 18, but I have really stepped it up on working out. I still look at my tush in the mirror and I am certain it will never be where I want it to be, but I'm not perfect. Leading me to the giggle vest I had earlier when I was reading my friend Nancy's blog today about McDonald's breakfast burritos----they are seriously an addictive drug to me. I blame McDonald's for making the most amazingly scrumptious little burrito that has my brain playing a tug of war constantly.....

Bad Fat Lindsay: "DO IT! That burrito is so delicious and you KNOW you won't be able to function without it...." Do it, get the burrito you crazy woman and then run more later...

Good Lindsay: "Just eat some Special K, or maybe a fiber one bar, it's easier, and you won't feel guilty for it....

Lately I am about at a two burrito a week mark, but the wind could change and I could be there every morning, it's just something I am having to work through right now, and I would appreciate your support...

Speaking of funny chunky things, I absolutely lose it when I hear the hippo from Madagascar 2 sing "I like em chunky, I like em plumpy" AND especially when he looks at the Gloria (the female hippo) and says, in a deep african voice "GIRL, YOU HUGE"

Dalton thinks it's even funnier to say that to his mama, except it comes out "GULL, you HUGE"

I have just had the best time reading through my friends blogs. My friend Maggie rivals me in the wit department, and I laughed until I cried reading her blog.....we have several friends who are adopting children from all over, and that is exciting to read about, friends that love the same food as I do, etc. etc. I think blogs are great....now on to twitter.

Am I missing something? I don't think I have the time to add another form of communication: phone, text, email, facebook, blog....I think I might pass on the twitter thing.

Dinner tonight: I need to make something good, but I don't have any ideas. Dan gets home tonight, the poor guy has been on a plane every week this month, and he is coming back from Minneapolis tonight, looking forward to that. I should probably shut up now and get back to work!!!!!!

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